2000-odd years of progress
60 AD"let us, I say, do our duty while we still remember what freedom is, that we may leave to our children not only its appellation but also its reality. For, if we utterly forget the happy state in which we were born and bred, what, pray, will they do, reared in bondage?"
680 AD
"[Abbess Hilda's] prudence was so great, that not only indifferent persons, but even kings and princes, as occasion offered, asked and received her advice; she obliged those who were under her direction to attend so much to reading of the Holy Scriptures, and to exercise themselves so much in works of justice, that many might be there found fit for ecclesiastical duties, and to serve at the altar."
1820 AD
Who is this approaching so slowly and majestically, this square bundle of petticoat and cloak, this road-waggon of a woman? It is, it must be Mrs. Sally Mearing, the completest specimen within my knowledge of farmeresses (may I be allowed that innovation in language?) as they were. It can be nobody else.
2005 AD
She explains how a Western aid agency recently offered her election training in Germany.
"I asked them who will come as my legal guardian and they said 'you don't need a legal guardian in Germany'.
"I said in that case I didn't want to go. They were very surprised."
Boudicca had more convenient clothing in 60 AD, as well.
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