The New Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
A clever resource for learning Old English.Anno MMII Æfterra Liða
- iii d: Her æt Husayba on Iraqes ond Syriae mearce on Euphrates-ea Iraqisce weargas fuhton wið utlandiscum Al-Qaediscum, for þær Al-Qaeda þryccedon þa ceasterware mid heardre Islamiscre æwe. Ond in Riyadh Saudisce æweardas ascuton Yûnis Muhammad Ibrâhîm al-Hayyârî ond he wæs Al-Qaedan heretoga for Saudiscre Arabiae.
- iv d: Her in Eadwinebyrig(1) in Scotlande ongann great scawung folca wið þæm capitalismus for þæm þe on .v. dæge ond æfterra wæs great gemot þeoda neah æt Gleneagles.
- vi d: Her man ceos þæt in geare .mmxii. þa Olympiscan Plegan beo in Lundene in Englalande.
- vii d: Her æfter middandæge sume macodon utberstunga in folcberendum in Lundene, ond acwelledon folca, ond mæg beon þæt þis is dæd Al-Qaedan.
(1) Edinburgh.
Not sure what the original chroniclers would have made of George Galloway's mini-danelaw in Bethnal Green, though.
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